Fighting the odds of the ever-popular Facebook, the professional charmer LinkedIn, and the instant attention-grabber SMS, email marketing has managed to make its way to the top as one of the most powerful & effective channels to reach out to the customers. Today, the astute marketers and marketing influencers across the world believe that the content delivered to the inboxes of the audience can entice their appetite for content and attract their eye for prominent discounts while keeping them engaged with the brand. Majority of the top brands are investing their money with Email Marketing Agencies to ensure their email marketing strategy is on point. If you are also planning to shape or reshape your email marketing strategy for 2022, here are 15 email marketing statistics that will get you going. 

73% Millennials Choose Email As Preferred Mode Of Contact With Brands

In a world of direct messages, instant chants, and SMSs, emails still seem to be the preferred choice of millennials. According to a recent study, more than 73% of the people aged between 20 and 30 believe that contacting the brands or communicating business affairs is better done through emails than any other mode of contact.

59% Buyers Feel Their Purchases Are Influenced By Email Marketing

The purchase decisions made by buyers are greatly influenced by emails they receive and read in their inboxes. Around 59% of the customers surveyed by SaleCycle agreed that they made a purchase after seeing the advertisement in their email inboxes. Email marketing, if done with the right data and content, even has the power to drive your sales.

By 2021, 319.6 Billion Emails Would Be Sent Per Day

In the year 2018, the average commercial and business emails sent per day were around 269 billion. By the end of 2021, this number is expected to reach 319.6 billion, experiencing an annual increase of 4.4%. With so many emails sent every day, no marketer would want to be left behind in the email marketing game and send more emails to the consumer to promote the brand and advertise their products/services.

Segmenting Emails Can Increase Open Rate By 14.32%

Email segmentation seems to be one of the most effective ways of boosting email open rate. Tailored, targeted, and segmented emails, based on the age, interests, hobby, location, and other parameters of the email subscribers, have around 14.32% higher chances of getting clicked as compared to non-segmented, generic emails. Having buyer personas and segmenting emails accordingly also has the power to increase your revenue by up to 760%.

Discount Offers Causes 72% Email Opens

Beating even personalization, discount emails have the highest email open rate. While 60% of customers open emails that are personalized as per their needs, it is a discount offer that compels more than 72% of the customers to click it open. So, if you also want to grab attention and get your email opened by the targeted customer, adding discount in the subject lines is a proven way.

76% Consumers Agree To Be Receiving Relevant Emails

In an age of personalization, it is indispensable for email marketers to personalize emails based on the data depicting the consumer’s shopping preferences, habits, etc. More than 76% of the consumers are already receiving personalized emails that are relevant to them. To stay in the race and gain a competitive edge, it is imperative to personalize emails.

46% Emails Are Opened On Mobile Devices

With there being more mobile devices than the global population itself, it is no surprise that more and more emails are now being opened on mobile devices. Today, a majority of the consumers are using their smartphones to access their emails. Adopting a mobile-first strategy is something every email marketer should do in 2019 to gain an edge.

69% Emails Are Marked Spam Because Of Subject Line

The subject line of any email is the most important line which decides whether the receiver would open the email or leave it out. More than 69% of the emails go to the spam folder just because their subject line failed to leave a mark. Not just that, 47% of the emails are opened by the recipients solely because the subject line manages to catch their attention.

Chances To Get Email Subscription Are 2x Higher Than FB Interaction

The customers who have subscribed to your email newsletter have two times higher chances of interacting with your brand than Facebook interaction. Even though Facebook might be the ultimate tool for interaction, when it comes to interacting with the brand, email marketing closes up as a more effective option. All you need to do is offer value to the customer in return of their subscription and you will be surprised to see the interaction and engagement.

77% Prefer Promotion Via Email Than SMS

Customers who have already given permission to a particular company for sending promotional content now prefer email over any other channel. Emails have surpassed text messages, SMSs, Facebook, phone calls, LinkedIn messages, etc., to become the most preferred channel for receiving promotional content and offers from any brand.

Some Other Email Marketing Statistics To Consider:

Well, as they say, numbers never lie. We’re sure you by now, you must have realized that email marketing is the tool that can empower you to boost user engagement, increase sales, and eventually, grow your business . These numbers would certainly help you devise an effective email marketing strategy and see your numbers soaring.


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