Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers and strengthen relationships with your existing customers. Being an Email marketing agency , you can use email marketing to promote your products or services, keep your customers informed, engage them with personalized messages, and drive conversions. You also need to track, measure, and optimize your emails for increased engagement and a higher ROI.

Why should you track your email marketing campaigns?

If you want to make your email marketing campaigns a success, it is important to track, monitor, and measure your results.Tracking the right email marketing metrics can help you understand which strategies work best for your business and which tactics don’t work as well. With such data in hand, you can better prioritize your time and efforts on strategies that drive maximum results. Take ample time to track metrics that deliver an email marketing agency with actionable insights to make your emails perform better.

Important Email Marketing Metrics Each email marketing campaign is unique but there are some metrics that every email marketer should track.

Here are a few important email marketing metrics to track success.

Email open rate refers to the percentage of email recipients who actually opened your email. Open rate is the most basic metric that email marketers track. But it is still an important one as no other metrics matter unless your emails are getting opened in the first place. Open rate = [Number of unique opens / (Number of emails sent (Number of bounces)] x 100 Tracking this metric can help an email marketing agency analyze how well your subject lines are performing and how engaged your subscriber base is.

If you want to improve your email open rate, you should follow some tips.

Improve your subject lines to make sure that they entice curiosity.

Email Click-Through Rate (CTR)

While higher open rates are a great thing, you should focus more on optimizing the click-through rate of your emails. Click-through rate is the percentage of email recipients who clicked on one or more links in your emails. It is calculated over the total delivered emails and not just those which have been opened. Click-through rate = (Number of unique clicks / Number of delivered emails) x 100 It can help you identify how many people are actually engaging with your email content. You can get insights into how many people actually visited your website or landing page. With low CTRs, you will face a problem with your email copy, design, call-to-action, or all three.

If you want to improve your email click-through rate, you should:

Improve your subject lines to make sure that they entice curiosity.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of email recipients you managed to convert. This includes recipients who clicked on a link in your email and then completed the desired action. The action might be as simple as filling out a lead generation form, visiting your website, or purchasing a product. Conversion rate = (Number of people who completed the desired action / Number of delivered emails) x 100 Every email campaign an email marketing agency launch needs to have a specific goal. Tracking emails’ conversion rate helps determine the extent to which you succeed in achieving your campaign goals.

If you desire to improve your conversion rate, you should:

Improve your subject lines to make sure that they entice curiosity.

Unsubscribe Rate

Unsubscribe rate is the percentage of email recipients who chose to opt-out of getting any more emails from you. Unsubscribe rate = (Number of unsubscribes / Number of delivered emails) x 100

If a user unsubscribes from your email list, there are chances that:

Improve your subject lines to make sure that they entice curiosity.

If you want to reduce the unsubscribe rate, you should:


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