15 Email Marketing Stats For Shaping Your Strategy In 2022

Fighting the odds of the ever-popular Facebook, the professional charmer LinkedIn, and the instant attention-grabber SMS, email marketing has managed to make its way to the top as one of the most powerful & effective channels to reach out to the customers. Today, the astute marketers and marketing influencers across the world believe that the […]

For A Successful Email Marketing: Follow These Tips!

There is no denying that email marketing will continue to achieve adhesion the time marketing keeps on shifting from globalization to personalization. And yes, Email Marketing is worth your time no doubt! Even the reports say that email is right here and will be staying for a long period of time. In April 2012, the […]

5 Effective Email Tricks For Conversion Rate Optimization

Increasing the conversions and getting more people to show interest in your products/services is best done by email marketing campaigns. And effective email marketing campaign cannot just turn the email audience into customers but also increase the revenue of the company by huge margins. But how do companies ensure increased conversions through email campaigns? While […]

5 Simple Tips To Hire The Perfect App Developer

With mobile apps predicted to hit a total revenue of $188.9 billion by the end of 2020, the competition to create a great app is growing stronger than ever. And merely having a great mobile app idea wouldn’t suffice in this competitive ecosystem. You need a great app developer who can transform your app idea […]

Top 6 Email Marketing Automation Tools For Boost Conversion

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach out to the subscribers, get more conversions, generate more leads, and eventually boost sales. And it is here to stay. While many companies have adopted a number of effective email tricks for conversion rate optimization through their email campaigns, the repetitiveness of getting the […]

Why The Latest Email Marketing Solution of AMP Emails is Turning Heads?

Email marketing is a quite popular marketing strategy executed by many businesses these days to draw a huge number of consumers. Various email marketing solutions are seen as effective marketing tools with a simple but powerful email message. They could stir the hearts of customers into supporting the business to benefit the company. Email marketing […]

6 Tips you’ve been missing in Email Marketing!

Today, almost every business operating on a small scale or large scale has a website. With a website, it becomes convenient to reach the customers, generate leads, and convert them into clients. How leads are generated? What is the right way to stay in touch with customers to retain them? A resounding answer propelled in […]

Solved! 3 Methods to Back Up The Outlook Emails Manually

“Can somebody tell me how to backup Outlook emails manually?” I came across this question on Quora while scrolling as I’m an active Quoran. Before answering it, I was keen to know what others have to say. Interestingly, there were many appropriate answers to this question. Hopefully, that person got the right answer to the […]

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