Significant Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track Now

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers and strengthen relationships with your existing customers. Being an Email marketing agency , you can use email marketing to promote your products or services, keep your customers informed, engage them with personalized messages, and drive conversions. You also need to […]

15 Email Marketing Stats For Shaping Your Strategy In 2022

Fighting the odds of the ever-popular Facebook, the professional charmer LinkedIn, and the instant attention-grabber SMS, email marketing has managed to make its way to the top as one of the most powerful & effective channels to reach out to the customers. Today, the astute marketers and marketing influencers across the world believe that the […]

5 Effective Email Tricks For Conversion Rate Optimization

Increasing the conversions and getting more people to show interest in your products/services is best done by email marketing campaigns. And effective email marketing campaign cannot just turn the email audience into customers but also increase the revenue of the company by huge margins. But how do companies ensure increased conversions through email campaigns? While […]

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