Device Mockups- The Golden Brick for Flawless Web & Mobile Apps

The sphere of web development & technology never rests. It continues to advance on the loop. Since the last decade, there’ve been countless changes in the industry that have brought a tremendous boost in the mobile application development realm. Besides this growth, the percentage of mobile phone users has also seen an upsurge by a […]

What’s Inside a Grocery Delivery Application?

Since the last recent years, there’s been a digital revolution and we’ve witnessed an upsurge in different kinds of applications. The App Store for iOS and Play Store for Android platforms are flooded with different kinds of applications for us. The prime benefit of these applications is that our lives have become simpler and more […]

7 Blunders that Mobile App Designers Should Never Make!

In 2021, nearly 95 billion applications were downloaded from the Google Play Store and iOS App Store alone. It means a hell lot of applications, roughly 19 applications per head, and these statistics do not include any third-party applications! With so many downloads of umpteen applications across the planet, the average churn rate scales between […]

Boost Website Conversion Rate in 30 Minutes

Do you know that the design of the website can manipulate conversion rates! Yes, that’s a statement asserted by the mavens of the web designing and development industry. A strong SEO game, marketing done right, impeccable content, outstanding graphics, and a website design that serves its purpose are the elements that atomize conversion rate. However, […]

Significant Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track Now

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers and strengthen relationships with your existing customers. Being an Email marketing agency , you can use email marketing to promote your products or services, keep your customers informed, engage them with personalized messages, and drive conversions. You also need to […]

Different Types for Hosting for Your Online Website

To be omnipresent, the development of a website of your business is of paramount importance. A well-constructed website bestows the right picture of your organization to the visitors in a fraction of time. For something so dam crucial for the conversions, the hosting of the same should not be taken frivolously.  Choosing an appropriate and […]

15 Email Marketing Stats For Shaping Your Strategy In 2022

Fighting the odds of the ever-popular Facebook, the professional charmer LinkedIn, and the instant attention-grabber SMS, email marketing has managed to make its way to the top as one of the most powerful & effective channels to reach out to the customers. Today, the astute marketers and marketing influencers across the world believe that the […]

For A Successful Email Marketing: Follow These Tips!

There is no denying that email marketing will continue to achieve adhesion the time marketing keeps on shifting from globalization to personalization. And yes, Email Marketing is worth your time no doubt! Even the reports say that email is right here and will be staying for a long period of time. In April 2012, the […]

5 Effective Email Tricks For Conversion Rate Optimization

Increasing the conversions and getting more people to show interest in your products/services is best done by email marketing campaigns. And effective email marketing campaign cannot just turn the email audience into customers but also increase the revenue of the company by huge margins. But how do companies ensure increased conversions through email campaigns? While […]

5 Simple Tips To Hire The Perfect App Developer

With mobile apps predicted to hit a total revenue of $188.9 billion by the end of 2020, the competition to create a great app is growing stronger than ever. And merely having a great mobile app idea wouldn’t suffice in this competitive ecosystem. You need a great app developer who can transform your app idea […]

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