Device Mockups- The Golden Brick for Flawless Web & Mobile Apps

The sphere of web development & technology never rests. It continues to advance on the loop. Since the last decade, there’ve been countless changes in the industry that have brought a tremendous boost in the mobile application development realm. Besides this growth, the percentage of mobile phone users has also seen an upsurge by a whopping 27%! More and more people are getting inclined towards the increased use of mobile phones and laptops.

Since the Digital World is on the upsurge, with considerate statistics of mobile phone users, a majority of the mobile application developers in India are engaged in conceiving the apt device mockup. The key purpose of devising a mockup is to present an application with a purpose professionally. Having device mockups has become essential, especially since 2019. In the paragraphs ahead, the need for device mockups is defined along with facts, and some popularly used device mockups. Take a look.

Why Having Mockups for Applications is Essential?

Ever experienced FOMO? If not, then peruse below and understand what all can be lost if device mockups are avoided.

Front-end engineers use mockups to survey how long the progression will take. While mockups are static, make sure to teach web application designers concerning which parts should be moving or invigorated. For example, if the page has a couple of sliders, it will require more exertion to code than if it was just a static picture. If you don’t outfit them with mockups, they won’t have the choice to give a sensible check.

Application or site mockups for front-end designers resemble scenes for painters: they take a gander at it and repeat it. Else, they won’t have the option to actualize hues, shapes, and text styles that you need. Whatever they do, it won’t live up to your desires. It would be painting in the air where you get nothing.

Noteworthy mockups are the path for you to vanquish the hearts of your rivals and to win another round of guesswork. On the off chance that you show speculators a new appearance of your application, which hits with its uniqueness and polish, the assets are in your pocket.

Your site or application ought to be solid in the event that you need your clients to adore it. It must be advantageous and instinctive for your client not to get lost. On the off chance that the usefulness of the route isn’t clear, if the manner in which it looks is befuddling, on the off chance that it isn’t easy to understand it won’t work. These blemishes are the most straightforward to distinguish and fix during the mockup stage.

Is Mobile Mockup Development Time Consuming?

There’s a mixed opinion for a mockup development time. It solely lies in two factors that should be remembered every time.

There are different ways to deal with mockup improvement as every UI/UX designer has a different work approach. There are no general norms or regulations, of the mockup loyalty or the advancement course of events. A few designers incline toward the Mobile-First Approach, while others favor Desktop-First. Everything should be clarified with the designer.

Regardless of whether you know the application developer you work with, you can’t expect an ideal mockup improvement gauge straight away. Each case is unique. You ought to ask your UI/UX designer to set up the wireframes of your application or web stage. At that point, these wire-edges can be transformed into legitimate mockups.

Facebook Design Device Mockup

A majority of mobile application development in India is familiar to device mockup by Facebook design. The genius brains working behind the curtain keep on sharing HQ graphic material with an online audience. To add more, everything is free of cost! The mockups are available for different kinds of popular devices like: 

Ramotion is a prominent name in the market. It is the genius group behind other gadget mockups. They’ve made Samsung Galaxy S10 mockup too. All these mockups are planned with sophistication thinking about the current patterns in the business. Mobile application developers in India are generally utilizing the demo rendition for their activities.

My personal recommendation is the Google Pixel 4XL Photoshop mockup. This device mockup is available in 4K and PSD format and valuable for mixing artworks. Mobile app development service providers prefer using the full version of this mockup because they get multiple options. Using these options, one can easily conceive a brilliant application mockup. 

Versatility is another name for Grapbox device mockup. It allows you to display an application’s versatility in different gadgets manufactured by renowned brands. Sounds vague but it is true. Another major advantage of this freebie is the allowance of filling toolset with other renderings like a brochure, paper boxes, and more. That’s why many enthusiastic mobile app developers use Grapbox.

Currently, the world revolves around realistic presentation, and Smashzine nails it with perfection. APPLE always brings everything that defines the adjective “Flawless”. It has created a full-fledged pack of realistic presentations that includes a life-like scene with acknowledged and popular devices like iPhone and iPad. Users can easily include their own screenshots as well for a better understanding.

Understanding the need for the website outline, hue scheme, font styles, formats, graphics, and significantly more are similarly significant for imagining the privilege mockup. Just a versatile application developer can comprehend the commendable and useless. Whatever style you pick, simply ensure that it supplements the application from each point.


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What’s Inside a Grocery Delivery Application?

Since the last recent years, there’s been a digital revolution and we’ve witnessed an upsurge in different kinds of applications. The App Store for iOS and Play Store for Android platforms are flooded with different kinds of applications for us. The prime benefit of these applications is that our lives have become simpler and more comfortable. Although visiting the grocery shop and selecting the fresh pieces, bargaining for saving a couple of pennies, the happiness of acquiring muft ka dhaniya, and telling the vendor to adjust the amount till the next purchase has a separate fan base, ordering groceries online is establishing its roots in our lives. It has eliminated the clumsiness of standing in queues waiting for the turn to get billed for the purchase made. Besides, individuals can place their orders 24/7!

Amazon Pantry, Big Basket, EasyDay, Flipkart Grocery, Grofers, etc., are some leading online grocery applications in India. With thousands of consumers and associations with sellers, these names are spinning a whopping profit in numbers that are consistently on an upsurge. Following their footsteps, many potential online grocery stores have entered the market with new designs and fixations. Mobile application developers in India are conceiving online grocery applications based on the latest trends. Considering the increasing demand and trend, it is estimated that nearly 30% of the market share will be generated through different types of grocery applications in the near future. This write-up is about different kinds of grocery applications and what all is considered before it is designed and developed.

Let’s begin with the e-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart. They have millions of users in India and have gained a license for selling groceries. Apart from the usual items we shop for at these e-commerce stores, purchasing groceries option was included as well. Users can place their orders for groceries and can select appropriate timings for delivery as well.

No one can beat Grofers and Big Basket when we talk about grocery-based applications. These two are giants entered the market with a specific purpose and nailed it flawlessly. With thousands of loyal customers, both of these brands are preferred widely in India. Their responsive and simple website design makes it easy for the user to use them.

Supermarkets are not lagging in the race. If calculated roughly, there’s been a humongous amount of revenue invested through the FDI, in the Indian markets and it includes the supermarkets nationwide. Nature’s Basket, ZopNow, Big Mart, Food Zu, etc., are some popular supermarket-based applications. They offer multiple discounts, secure payment options, and easy navigation.

The User-Side of Grocery Delivery Apps

Having the right set of features is a trait of trustworthy grocery delivery apps. Listed below are some common yet essential features of the user-side of grocery delivery applications.

Easy navigation of any application begins with an easy registration procedure. The registration form basically comprises sections like name, email address, and phone number. Besides, it also requires access to the location for making deliveries. Mobile application developers in India add the registration feature social media account. The user’s age and gender can be an addition to sending them customized notifications.

The search bar is a key functionality that uplifts the grocery mobile application . Without a search bar, people cannot find out what they want to order. Hence, it is a must-have feature in every grocery application in India with strategically placed on top.

Where to store the chosen ones aka the vegetables buyers have selected? For this, the shopping cart option has to be included in the application. Usually placed in the upper right corner, this icon allows the user to view all items that have been selected for purchasing.

A secured payment gateway is another essential pillar for a grocery mobile app design. It plays a key role in making it popular among users. Usually, the payment gateway option includes an e-wallet, net banking, and debit/credit card for making payments. Application developers must acquire the SSL security certificate to prevent any invasion from a third-party or technical glitch.

This is a section for consumers to post their feedback. The inclusion of the review section helps other buyers to understand the quality of the product.

App developers include a push notification features. With this feature, the brand is able to send notifications about elusive deals, discounts, and offers.

Features on the Admin Panel

We discussed some essential user side features previously. Mobile grocery app developers also design the admin panel for easy operation of the application. Here’s a list of some admin-side functions of a grocery mobile application.

The dashboard is the control panel from where the administrator controls the order process.

Managing orders becomes effortless with the inclusion of the order management feature. With this, the administrator can notify the buyer about the dispatch and delivery of the order.

Analytics is a feature that cannot be missed while designing a mobile website design. Using this feature, the admin can determine the user activity, and based on it they can plan the next strategy for driving better results.

The Overall Costing

Getting a grocery website designed is a one-time investment. The whole expenditure lies in the resources and time spent by the mobile application development and testing teams. It includes purchasing the domain name and making yearly payments for application maintenance. Also, fixing bugs is a consistent process that remains on the list every time. To get an application developed in India, an individual needs to spend around 30K-40K. However, the price may vary according to the package selected for the iOS or Android platforms.

Winding It Up

You just scrolled past and read the two sides of a simple mobile application. Most of the companies and brands launching mobile grocery applications in India choose the Android platform. The prime reason behind it is the number of users of Android phones in India. This helps in targeting an anonymous audience across the nation conveniently.


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7 Blunders that Mobile App Designers Should Never Make!

In 2021, nearly 95 billion applications were downloaded from the Google Play Store and iOS App Store alone. It means a hell lot of applications, roughly 19 applications per head, and these statistics do not include any third-party applications! With so many downloads of umpteen applications across the planet, the average churn rate scales between 53%-57% in the first 30 days. It immediately leaps and goes beyond 65%.

What could be the possible reasons behind it?

When a mobile application hangs or becomes slow, it falls in the pit of “Undesired Apps” immediately. The user uninstalls the application and looks for a better application rather than sticking to the same app. The consumer doesn’t face loss while uninstalling an application because they know several apps are already there on the Google Play Store of iOS App Store. In simple words, the time and efforts of the app designer & developer go in vain.

Plausibly, conceiving a mobile application is not a cakewalk. Today, a majority of mobile website designers follow the blind trend that is ruling the market without realizing the requirement of the application. Apart from this, there are several other reasons that reduce the lifespan of an application. In this write-up, we’ll be highlighting some common mistakes that application designers often do that reduce the lifespan of mobile website design . Read on and find out if you’ve done something that is on the list too!

Let’s be brutally honest, no one likes a bad face, whether you’re searching for a partner on a matrimony site or an application on the Play Store/App Store. Application users can easily get distracted if the application onboard features are not balanced. Mobile application designers should consider factors like user engagement, easy navigation, and the right color scheme (yes, the color scheme matters too!). And lastly, always perform the beta testing of the application before rolling it out. This would be helpful in perceiving how the would application look from the stage of commencement.

This isn’t new because there are countless apps that were designed for a purpose but miserably failed to serve it. Before designing a mobile application, there shouldn’t be any sort of confusion. For the whole team that designs the mobile website design, wiring the entire frame is mandatory at every step. When every step is executed appropriately, the functionality of the application becomes smooth. Its purpose should be clear when the customer downloads it. Only then it will be among those applications that are not uninstalled within the first 2 months of download. Furthermore, always conduct an analysis of the competitor apps existing in the market. It will surely give the supporting idea of creating a better mobile application.

If the aesthetics of the mobile website aren’t appealing to the eyes, it will disorient the user in no time. Moreover, such an app would be installed soon after being downloaded and might be flagged as inappropriate by users. Ultimately, it will be removed from its respective platform. Hence, the designer and developer should consider multiple points while crafting the aesthetics that resonate with users. Considering the flow, adding new features will uplift the popularity of the application. It is important to note that all new features should be incorporated after its beta testing.

Every unwanted notification drags an application to the uninstall pit by 1% every time the user receives it. Although the mobile application designer/developer conceives the app by considering the target demography, everyone doesn’t like getting disturbed with unnecessary push notifications. But the problem doesn’t end here. Even if an application pings your inbox every two hours, its content can also affect its use. For example, Zomato and Swiggy are two applications that keep bouncing over their special deals that aren’t interesting to all its users. Though it’s the sheer business for them, for users its is utter nonsense. Unwanted messages, even when the application is not in use, can reduce their lifespan in a person’s mobile phone by 30 days.

Over-unpredictability is regularly a consequence of superfluously breaking shows. Will the application truly benefit from improving the standard images and interfaces inside versatile visual and material language? Standard symbols have demonstrated themselves to be all-around natural. In this way, they are frequently the fastest method to give viewable signs without jumbling a screen. Craft the design in a manner that doesn’t interfere with the functionality of the application. Gone are the days when white space was termed as “negative space”. Today, leaving some white space, especially in mobile applications, is helpful in reducing the lag.

Another grave mistake that many mobile app designers do is not utilizing enough beta testing. It is a mandatory phase before rolling the application in the commercial market because by conducting beta-tests, designers can determine the loopholes and fix them easily without commencing from the scratch. It may be a bit time-consuming, but as per the phrase, the most beautiful view is seen after the hardest climb, things become worth every second.

To err is human and you can’t deny the fact. There are no second thoughts in concluding that designing and developing a mobile application is not a cakewalk, but avoiding mistakes is the act of wise. There are several mistakes that people confuse with trends and the application fails to achieve the milestone. In case you are set to launch an application, conduct its final beta test and tick every mistake you think you’ve made (and we’ve saved on time).


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Boost Website Conversion Rate in 30 Minutes

Do you know that the design of the website can manipulate conversion rates! Yes, that’s a statement asserted by the mavens of the web designing and development industry. A strong SEO game, marketing done right, impeccable content, outstanding graphics, and a website design that serves its purpose are the elements that atomize conversion rate. However, more than 45% of conversion rate success depends on the website design. In simpler terms, your website’s face value matters a lot.

If you wish that your website should drive more traffic, stringent website  designing development are the prime requirement of the hour! The right color scheme, an appropriate website frame, responsiveness, and a couple of more website design principles are sufficient to increase the conversion rate. Now, most people think about why this stuff is essential for drawing more conversion rates? The simple answer to the question is presented. In the digital world, presentation matters the most. The way you’re feeding your subscribers, either content or information is the game-changer.

In this write-up, we’ll be discussing some game-changer tips that should be included in the website design. These tips are a sure-shot solution to drive more conversion rates to the website.

Welcoming the onsite visitors is always essential because Guest is equivalent to God, as per a famous Indian proverb. A marv and full-screen welcome page can do its part on time. You just require placing a CTA button on this page, nothing else! There’ll be no other distractions and the home page will remain intact. Not only this but the user activity will also be engaged for long as they need to click the CTA for further results, hence it will reduce the bounce rate. By limiting the user choices, the website becomes easy to use.

The rule of thirds is a popular rule in photography and widely used in web designing too. Using this as a design principle, it becomes easy to divide the webpage with uniformity whether vertically or horizontally. The four points that intersect in the middle are the crux of the matter. When objects are placed in the middle of these boxes, a flawless and impactful image is created as per the rule. The prime concern for applying this rule is to boost the conversion. Website designers worship this rule and apply it on a majority of websites because it helps to assemble the visitor’s focus at the CTA button.

Gone are the days when designers considered the white space on a website as a jinx. Usually, the white, or negative space, is the place anywhere on the webpage that remains empty. It can be anywhere like at the header, footer, sidebar, between the paragraphs, etc. It can be managed easily by paying attention to the smaller places. What to do? Here are some quick tips:

As per the web designing experts and mavens, it is observed that a user goes through the text of the website in the F pattern. This is indeed a great observation and related to the conversion rate of the website, but how? It is as simple as drinking water. Since the secret is disclosed, you now require to place the CTA in the F-shaped area. This will catch the attention of the visitor instead of ignoring it. Similarly, one can place the posts that you want to be read by the visitor that will be an apprentice in boosting the

By choosing the right color scheme, designers can make a website impactful. Previously, the color scheme was underrated but in the last few years, designers have considered its importance because it is connected with the emotion it conveys. Most of the restaurant websites and food applications include colors like yellow and red because they trigger appetite. Besides, they’re easily visible even with a dark background. Color contrast also plays a key role in selecting the right color scheme. The text on every webpage, CTA, headlines, etc., should be readable. Here’s a bonus tip- use a different color for the subscribe button that makes it stand out from the whole webpage.

As per many website designers and some case studies, the inclusion of human faces never puts a website visitor into a dilemma. The familiarity with the emotion conveyed through the website increases when faces are included website. It is a human tendency to feel connected with the brand, perhaps a bit when faces are incorporated. Include photos and place them using the rule of thirds to provide sufficient white space for placing a CTA button.

Let’s get this straight, your website has 8 seconds to leave an impression on the minds of visitors. The attention span of a human is equivalent to a goldfish’s memory when they’re swirling in the digital world. Anything that catches the attention becomes a preference. Thus, you need to be particular in adding the content along with the aesthetical frame of the website. Check out some quick tips:

On An Ending Note

And by implying these rules, you can scale an optimized conversion rate in a few weeks! If already applied, you deserve a big round of applause. If you haven’t, break them on the website and see the favored conversion. Just ensure that everything hits the bull’s eye. Good luck!


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Significant Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track Now

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers and strengthen relationships with your existing customers. Being an Email marketing agency , you can use email marketing to promote your products or services, keep your customers informed, engage them with personalized messages, and drive conversions. You also need to track, measure, and optimize your emails for increased engagement and a higher ROI.

Why should you track your email marketing campaigns?

If you want to make your email marketing campaigns a success, it is important to track, monitor, and measure your results.Tracking the right email marketing metrics can help you understand which strategies work best for your business and which tactics don’t work as well. With such data in hand, you can better prioritize your time and efforts on strategies that drive maximum results. Take ample time to track metrics that deliver an email marketing agency with actionable insights to make your emails perform better.

Important Email Marketing Metrics Each email marketing campaign is unique but there are some metrics that every email marketer should track.

Here are a few important email marketing metrics to track success.

Email open rate refers to the percentage of email recipients who actually opened your email. Open rate is the most basic metric that email marketers track. But it is still an important one as no other metrics matter unless your emails are getting opened in the first place. Open rate = [Number of unique opens / (Number of emails sent (Number of bounces)] x 100 Tracking this metric can help an email marketing agency analyze how well your subject lines are performing and how engaged your subscriber base is.

If you want to improve your email open rate, you should follow some tips.

Improve your subject lines to make sure that they entice curiosity.

Email Click-Through Rate (CTR)

While higher open rates are a great thing, you should focus more on optimizing the click-through rate of your emails. Click-through rate is the percentage of email recipients who clicked on one or more links in your emails. It is calculated over the total delivered emails and not just those which have been opened. Click-through rate = (Number of unique clicks / Number of delivered emails) x 100 It can help you identify how many people are actually engaging with your email content. You can get insights into how many people actually visited your website or landing page. With low CTRs, you will face a problem with your email copy, design, call-to-action, or all three.

If you want to improve your email click-through rate, you should:

Improve your subject lines to make sure that they entice curiosity.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of email recipients you managed to convert. This includes recipients who clicked on a link in your email and then completed the desired action. The action might be as simple as filling out a lead generation form, visiting your website, or purchasing a product. Conversion rate = (Number of people who completed the desired action / Number of delivered emails) x 100 Every email campaign an email marketing agency launch needs to have a specific goal. Tracking emails’ conversion rate helps determine the extent to which you succeed in achieving your campaign goals.

If you desire to improve your conversion rate, you should:

Improve your subject lines to make sure that they entice curiosity.

Unsubscribe Rate

Unsubscribe rate is the percentage of email recipients who chose to opt-out of getting any more emails from you. Unsubscribe rate = (Number of unsubscribes / Number of delivered emails) x 100

If a user unsubscribes from your email list, there are chances that:

Improve your subject lines to make sure that they entice curiosity.

If you want to reduce the unsubscribe rate, you should:


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Different Types for Hosting for Your Online Website

To be omnipresent, the development of a website of your business is of paramount importance. A well-constructed website bestows the right picture of your organization to the visitors in a fraction of time. For something so dam crucial for the conversions, the hosting of the same should not be taken frivolously. 

Choosing an appropriate and perfectly fitting domain name is a pretty easy task if compared to the process of choosing the right kind of hosting services provided by the various web hosting companies. If grabbing a perfect domain name is like allocating a name to the website, then hosting is like getting an abode for it. A web host is an online space where your website resides. You need to make an evaluation regarding the most appropriate web host for your business and sign up for an account with it. It is because there are several hosting options available in the market, which makes it quite overwhelming as well as confusing for the user to choose the best one from the range.

Here, in this article, we will be dealing with the basic idea about hosting services and their various options. This would help you to understand which hosting is the most suitable one for your online business.

Various types of hosting's:

Well, we would start with the various types of hosting options that are available in the market.

As you can see, there is a long list of hosting options available, which makes it quite confusing to choose the right one, especially if you are a first-time user. So, to choose the right kind of option, you need to delve deep into the idea of various hosting options.

The first thing which you need to consider while figuring out a hosting service is the factor of website traffic. You need to opt for a hosting service that provides you with a platform to gain a wider range of traffic for your business website. Here is a better description of the most commonly used hosting options. You can easily choose the perfect kind of hosting provided by the web hosting company , which caters to all your need.

Shared Hosting

VPS Hosting

Dedicated Server Hosting

Apart from these three hosting services, there are several other hosting options provided by the web hosting company. However, as a user, it entirely depends on your requirements and choice when choosing a hosting service. You need to consider your traffic and the type of business you are dealing in while making the final choice for the right kind of service.


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15 Email Marketing Stats For Shaping Your Strategy In 2022

Fighting the odds of the ever-popular Facebook, the professional charmer LinkedIn, and the instant attention-grabber SMS, email marketing has managed to make its way to the top as one of the most powerful & effective channels to reach out to the customers. Today, the astute marketers and marketing influencers across the world believe that the content delivered to the inboxes of the audience can entice their appetite for content and attract their eye for prominent discounts while keeping them engaged with the brand. Majority of the top brands are investing their money with Email Marketing Agencies to ensure their email marketing strategy is on point. If you are also planning to shape or reshape your email marketing strategy for 2022, here are 15 email marketing statistics that will get you going. 

73% Millennials Choose Email As Preferred Mode Of Contact With Brands

In a world of direct messages, instant chants, and SMSs, emails still seem to be the preferred choice of millennials. According to a recent study, more than 73% of the people aged between 20 and 30 believe that contacting the brands or communicating business affairs is better done through emails than any other mode of contact.

59% Buyers Feel Their Purchases Are Influenced By Email Marketing

The purchase decisions made by buyers are greatly influenced by emails they receive and read in their inboxes. Around 59% of the customers surveyed by SaleCycle agreed that they made a purchase after seeing the advertisement in their email inboxes. Email marketing, if done with the right data and content, even has the power to drive your sales.

By 2021, 319.6 Billion Emails Would Be Sent Per Day

In the year 2018, the average commercial and business emails sent per day were around 269 billion. By the end of 2021, this number is expected to reach 319.6 billion, experiencing an annual increase of 4.4%. With so many emails sent every day, no marketer would want to be left behind in the email marketing game and send more emails to the consumer to promote the brand and advertise their products/services.

Segmenting Emails Can Increase Open Rate By 14.32%

Email segmentation seems to be one of the most effective ways of boosting email open rate. Tailored, targeted, and segmented emails, based on the age, interests, hobby, location, and other parameters of the email subscribers, have around 14.32% higher chances of getting clicked as compared to non-segmented, generic emails. Having buyer personas and segmenting emails accordingly also has the power to increase your revenue by up to 760%.

Discount Offers Causes 72% Email Opens

Beating even personalization, discount emails have the highest email open rate. While 60% of customers open emails that are personalized as per their needs, it is a discount offer that compels more than 72% of the customers to click it open. So, if you also want to grab attention and get your email opened by the targeted customer, adding discount in the subject lines is a proven way.

76% Consumers Agree To Be Receiving Relevant Emails

In an age of personalization, it is indispensable for email marketers to personalize emails based on the data depicting the consumer’s shopping preferences, habits, etc. More than 76% of the consumers are already receiving personalized emails that are relevant to them. To stay in the race and gain a competitive edge, it is imperative to personalize emails.

46% Emails Are Opened On Mobile Devices

With there being more mobile devices than the global population itself, it is no surprise that more and more emails are now being opened on mobile devices. Today, a majority of the consumers are using their smartphones to access their emails. Adopting a mobile-first strategy is something every email marketer should do in 2019 to gain an edge.

69% Emails Are Marked Spam Because Of Subject Line

The subject line of any email is the most important line which decides whether the receiver would open the email or leave it out. More than 69% of the emails go to the spam folder just because their subject line failed to leave a mark. Not just that, 47% of the emails are opened by the recipients solely because the subject line manages to catch their attention.

Chances To Get Email Subscription Are 2x Higher Than FB Interaction

The customers who have subscribed to your email newsletter have two times higher chances of interacting with your brand than Facebook interaction. Even though Facebook might be the ultimate tool for interaction, when it comes to interacting with the brand, email marketing closes up as a more effective option. All you need to do is offer value to the customer in return of their subscription and you will be surprised to see the interaction and engagement.

77% Prefer Promotion Via Email Than SMS

Customers who have already given permission to a particular company for sending promotional content now prefer email over any other channel. Emails have surpassed text messages, SMSs, Facebook, phone calls, LinkedIn messages, etc., to become the most preferred channel for receiving promotional content and offers from any brand.

Some Other Email Marketing Statistics To Consider:

Well, as they say, numbers never lie. We’re sure you by now, you must have realized that email marketing is the tool that can empower you to boost user engagement, increase sales, and eventually, grow your business . These numbers would certainly help you devise an effective email marketing strategy and see your numbers soaring.


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For A Successful Email Marketing: Follow These Tips!

There is no denying that email marketing will continue to achieve adhesion the time marketing keeps on shifting from globalization to personalization. And yes, Email Marketing is worth your time no doubt!

Even the reports say that email is right here and will be staying for a long period of time. In April 2012, the total number of email accounts all over the globe was 3.3 billion. And not just that! In 2010 for over 107 trillion emails were sent. As per the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), in 2011, the Return on Investment for email marketing was $40 for every $1 invested. Also, as per the survey by Exact Target 2012 Channel Preference, there are 91% users who use email at least once in a day.

It is because of all these practical reasons; email marketing is frequently being used. And if in case you are also interested in using email marketing in your business? Stop pondering much, look further, cut the fluff and simply jump right in!

Built The Email Marketing List To Get The Permission

The first and the foremost step is to make a list of email marketing in order to get permission. If your list is small, fair enough, every starts like this only and evolves with time. There are ample of ways of doing so. You can either give something away for free or else, you can also simply provide a newsletter or product updates.

Kick Start With Small

If in case you are not sure on how often you need to send an email, it is always better to start small. You can email your subscribers once or twice a month or more often if you offered the time they subscribed. And is in case you need to increase the frequency, later on, you can simply inform them beforehand about what they should expect.

Organize Your List

One of the most important things to keep in mind is organizing your list. Yes! Even if you are having only 25 to 30 people in your emailing list, start segmenting the list on the basis of the type of information they are looking for. Rather than following one-size-fits-all approach, its better that you tailor you marketing as per the specific groups.

Make your quality Content Readable

Don’t make a mistake of only sending a sales pitch to your readers that most of the people do. What you can do is post extremely valuable content that your readers are interested in and which they would benefit from irrespective of the fact that they will use your product or not. You can talk about how-tos, tips and product help amongst many other things. Plus, keep in mind that you are using bullets and subheadings as this will increase the readability of your content no matter from where the user is accessing.

And Now Its Testing Time: Do The Analytics!

You might know that the analytics is the most important thing in web copy and email marketing is no exception. It is very important to analyze your data from time to time to be aware of the fact that you are going the right way or not. Although every test is vital, but it is better not to skip testing open rate,  click through rate (CTR), and unsubscribes. Where the open rate will inform you about the relationship you have built, CTR will help you to improve your copy if in case it is not targeted well, and unsubscription rate will voice about how many people are leaving.

I would like to wind up with the words of Keith Burton (partner of Brunswick Group) who kept on insisting that the communication is heavily email and memo-based in virtually all companies in an interview. Plus, he also said that this phenomenon is going to continue for two or three generations of manager, till the millennial generation ascends to new leadership levels.


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5 Effective Email Tricks For Conversion Rate Optimization

Increasing the conversions and getting more people to show interest in your products/services is best done by email marketing campaigns. And effective email marketing campaign cannot just turn the email audience into customers but also increase the revenue of the company by huge margins. But how do companies ensure increased conversions through email campaigns? While some take conversion rate optimization services to boost the effectiveness of their email campaigns, there are others who perform simple tweaks like changing the sender name in their existing campaigns to boost conversions. Here are the 5 effective email tricks for conversion rate optimization.

Choose The From Line Wisely

When sending an email, the From line in the mail plays a crucial role in determining the chances of getting opened. While many believe that adding a personal touch in the From field can increase the conversion instead of the regular company’s name, there are others who believe that keeping it professional with the company name would build a brand as well. However, one can adopt a mixed approach in the From field and add the name of a particular employee from the company along with the company name. Apart from that, this name in the field should also depend on the type of email being sent. For example, a promotional email would build more trust when sent by the company’s name while a reply to a certain email or email sent for customer support etc., would be opened quickly if the sender in an individual. In order to convert, make sure your From field is filled in after close consideration.

Target With The Subject Line

The next thing any receiver sees when he/she receives an email is the subject line. This part of the email is a big factor in determining whether the receiver opens the email or if it simply goes into his/her spam folder. It plays the same role as a book’s title or cover page plays to the book being sold. A powerful subject line is what’s needed to get more opens and eventually more clicks to the email. A short yet descriptive subject line is the best conversion tool. But one thing to be kept in mind is to deliver what is promised in the subject line. Adding an element of urgency, relevancy, or the fear of missing out could be used in creating an effective subject line that converts. In addition to that, a subject line that has been personalized to meet the requirements of each and every subscriber also has more chances of being opened.

Add A Captivating Call To Action

Once the main challenge of getting the email opened is completed, the next step is to add a captivating call-to-action in the mail content to get more clicks. Adding keywords like Sign Up or Subscribe or Submit as a call to action on the mail have been worn out and no more appeal the receivers. Instead, go for more powerful CTAs that create a sense of urgency or fulfill the certain purpose for their benefit. The CTA should be clearly visible in the mail and stand out from the content. It should also be in direct reach of the thumb. One can also search for the most effective keywords for such campaigns and incorporate them in the calls to action buttons.

Add A Captivating Call To Action

Once the main challenge of getting the email opened is completed, the next step is to add a captivating call-to-action in the mail content to get more clicks. Adding keywords like Sign Up or Subscribe or Submit as a call to action on the mail have been worn out and no more appeal the receivers. Instead, go for more powerful CTAs that create a sense of urgency or fulfill the certain purpose for their benefit. The CTA should be clearly visible in the mail and stand out from the content. It should also be in direct reach of the thumb. One can also search for the most effective keywords for such campaigns and incorporate them in the calls to action buttons.

Mobile-Optimized E-Mails Should Be The Goal

With more than 61.9% of the email campaigns being opened on mobile devices in 2019, the need to optimize each email for smartphones is growing stronger. Not just that, the mobile email users have exceeded the 2.2 billion mark by the end of 2018. There are many ways to optimize the mobile marketing campaigns for the mobile users. There are a number of mobile-ready templates that one can use for creating their emails. Another thing to keep in mind is to shorten the subject line to be completely readable on mobile devices. Try to wrap the subject line in 30 characters to ensure it is not cut off at the middle, leaving your receiver confused. And not just that, in order to convert the targeted visitors, it is imperative to optimize the landing pages for mobile devices that are linked on the email. This way, the person would have a more smooth transition with nothing interrupting their conversion.

Leverage Segmenting & Automation

While there are a number of email marketing stats to shape the strategy in 2022, one of the most important stats was published by HubSpot, which stated that the marketers who incorporate email marketing segmentation in their campaigns, experienced an increase of 760% in their revenue. Segmenting and automating the email marketing campaign would ensure that each email is triggered by the behavior or action of the subscriber. It would be personalized to offer the required response to the actions or queries raised by the users.The email campaign performance can be improved by several notches by implementing automation of emails after segmenting the subscribers based on their behavior, activity, preferences, etc.

Once all of this is done, it is very important to A/B test everything. This is one of the most crucial steps to make sure that your efforts at email marketing are paying off. Test two different alternatives at a smaller section of the audience. The method that attracts more conversions could be used for your email marketing campaign to boost the conversion rate.


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5 Simple Tips To Hire The Perfect App Developer

With mobile apps predicted to hit a total revenue of $188.9 billion by the end of 2020, the competition to create a great app is growing stronger than ever. And merely having a great mobile app idea wouldn’t suffice in this competitive ecosystem. You need a great app developer who can transform your app idea into reality while also ensuring its efficiency to top the download charts and become a favorite of your target audience. If you also want to monetize your mobile app idea and are looking for the perfect mobile app developer who can carry out the development process efficiently, here are some tips you can follow.

Experience Of Tpeoplehe App Developer Matters

The World Wide Web Is A Treasure Trove Of Developers

Cut Short & Compare The Developers You Like

Listen To The Inputs They Have For Your Idea

Price Should Always Be The Last Concern

With people spending more than three hours of their days surfing the internet on their smartphones, having a mobile app is indispensable for any business. And for a mobile app that gets downloaded, hiring the perfect mobile app developer is pivotal. By following the tips discussed below, you can ensure that you get the best app that embodies your idea and gets an amazing response from the target audience.


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